Health Care Advisor Plans
Be the heath care advisor who delivers the best benefits in town
Clients in a panic about the cost of health benefits? We Can Help.
First Primary Care offers another way, so you can give your clients exactly what they’re asking for…
Whether your clients have already bitten the bullet and moved to a high deductible healthcare plan, or whether they’re trying to keep costs affordable on a “Cadillac plan,” direct primary care is a win-win for everyone… Including the brilliant broker who suggested it.
It’s no secret: Decreasing coverage and rising premiums have everyone frustrated. Employers are embarrassed by their plans as costs increase (and their budgets do not). On top of that, employees are afraid to use the plan due to the high costs and high deductibles.
And brokers are stuck in the middle – wanting to help their clients but stuck with only what the insurance companies offer them.
Why is direct primary care a win-win?
Simple: Direct primary care from First Primary Care makes routine care affordable, making preventative care accessible to all employees, and staving off premium hikes by preserving health insurance for the only “big items” as it was meant to handle, instead of the day to day needs.
Reducing rate hikes alone can easily save employers 10% year over year – all while increasing their coverage, and giving them an Employee Benefit that is a unique competitive advantage when it comes to employee recruitment and retention.
And the brilliant broker who saves them money on healthcare AND employee turnover by recommending they add direct primary care to their package?
You get a competitive advantage too, when your client’s employees are happy receiving unlimited care from their own personal physician.
Right now, direct primary care is one of the best kept secrets in healthcare – and only the most savvy brokers are offering it to their clients.
Want to give your clients an edge against the competition?
Download our HR Strategy Guide & learn how to get incorporate direct primary care benefits – without breaking the bank.
But there’s more to love about direct primary care than the savings…
Partnering with First Primary Care means giving your clients and their employees access to healthcare like they’ve never seen.
First Primary Care offers healthcare “the way it used to be” back when people had a direct relationship with their doctor. We’re bringing back the quality of care that comes when a doctor knows every single one of their patients, as a person – not just a chart.
By cutting the middleman out of the doctor-patient relationship, our members get access to the right care, be it cutting edge procedures, or routine wellness, at a price they can afford. In fact, most people spend 46% less in out of pocket expenses when they switch to direct primary care – all while gaining the convenience and care of having “a doctor in the family.”
Convenient Easy Access
First Primary Care gives you direct, personal access to your physician
- 24/7 access via text, Skype, or phone
- Appointments whenever you need (without the wait)
- Real-time with your doctor – no rush, no insurance time limits
- Video consults, so you can skip the office visit altogether
Engaged and Health Centered
Convenient and attentive; personalized healthcare – the way it should be
- Individualized treatment plans by a personal physician, who knows you
- Continuity of care – from a bad flu to a scary ER visit, your physician is there to guide you, every step of the way
- Healthcare focused on your optimal health – so you can live life to its fullest, whatever that means for you
Affordable, transparent pricing
No more inflated “network” insurance rates, or shocking medical bills. Just affordable, transparent pricing, direct from your doctor
- Office or Skype visits, text anytime and routine labs, all included –
- Wholesale pricing for specialty labs, imaging, diagnostics, and generic drugs
- Free from inflated network pricing and free to choose when to use insurance
- The absolute lowest out-of-pocket expenses
Even Coordinated Care With Specialists When Necessary…
Need a specialist?
Our team makes seeing any doctor or specialist more convenient, affordable, and accessible by coordinating your care.
Your provider can even do a “virtual” consult with you and a specialist together via Sykpe to discuss treatment options and save you a trip across town.
And our providers will also help you find the best value when it comes to your specialty care, ahead of time, so you’ll know the exact cost before you commit to a treatment or procedure.
Know of any insurance plan that can do that for your clients?
We didn’t think so.
First Primary Care can help you become the go-to broker with the best benefits in town.
If you think that’s worth at least a 15 minute conversation, we’re here to help.
No pressure, no sales pitch, just the answers to your questions.
You either enthusiastically think First Primary Care is worth investigating for your clients, or you don’t.
We’re here to help you decide.