About Dr. Goyal

I am a physician, so that makes me a provider of healthcare. But like all of us, I am also a consumer. I know how it feels to be on the other side. As frustrating as it is sometimes to be a provider of care, it is much worse to be a consumer.

Having been studying medicine for well over a decade, I know we have become very good at taking care of our sick. Healthcare systems and bureaucracies are built to take care of the sick.

The sad truth is, however, that access to quality primary care is shrinking. My goal is to champion a care model that liberates providers to ensure that our patients receive genuine “healthcare” and not just ‘”sickcare”.

I am convinced that as providers of healthcare we can do better. We can provide more value. We can practice the way we are supposed to practice. The way we used to practice. Our patients deserve change and will soon demand it.

Speaking Topics


What's Working Today For Employers In Healthcare?


Membership-Based Healthcare Business Models


Innovative Healthcare Coverage Options for Employers

Business Executives

The Future of Medicine and Healthcare


Dr. Goyal speaks on real life solutions to the problems in healthcare that leaders in business can implement today to increase shareholder value and profitability.

Need a speaker to Inspire, Motivate and Educate your group?

Dr. Goyal customizes his presentation to target your business objectives and goals:


Driving Innovation and New Ideas

Motivating Organizations

Inspiring Audiences